The harbour swimming pool is part of a larger rejuvenation of all of the previous industrial harbours where it is still popular to keep pleasure boats. The characteristic architecture of the harbour swimming pool placed as blankets over the harbour area interacts beautifully with the incredibly beautiful nature and evening sun. Even on an island with some of the best sandy beaches of Northern Europe the harbour swimming pool in Hasle has become a success and is used by both locals and tourists.
Inspired by floating blankets
White Arkitekter and Ting & Wainø who are the architects behind the harbour swimming pool in Hasle on Bornholm was inspired by an idea about floating blankets lain over the ground and water of the harbour area. The shape of the diving platform that folds around the lounge area and shields it from wind and weather gives the harbour swimming pool a special character which is easily recognisable even seen at a distance from the hills above the city of Hasle.